Sunday, March 1, 2009

How I Spent My Day....

Here is a list of things I did today instead of studying for my International Trade midterm.

1. Sleep. I was tired. Last night was long. I think a three hour nap this afternoon was definitely justified.

2. Facebook. Sometimes I wonder how much more productive I would be if facebook didn't exist. Then I decide that it really wouldn't make that much of a difference because I would find other ways to waste my time.

3. Real Housewives of New York. I love Bravo and most of the tv shows on that channel. I decided to take an hour study break after reading, oh, ten pages? Yeah, I'm really good at rationaliztion. If only it was something I could put on my resume...

4. Writing this blog. Its almost 12:30...I haven't finished reading the last chapter thats on this midterm (the chapter that was covered in the class that I skipped). I have an accounting assignment due tomorrow morning and an econ assignment due tomorrow afternoon. What did I do this weekend instead of my homework? Yeah....about that....

Oh well...we all make stupid decisions. I've had a good couple weeks of them. Its funny how life can be pretty mellow....and then not.

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