Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring. Break.

Whoop! It's that fabulous week in March when college students head somewhere warm to drink tequila and take their clothes off.

I'm going north to sit at home and watch a ridiculous amount of cable. I also have a to do list. This list....is going to be the topic of this blog. Hopefully I'll look back on this in the next couple days and actually remember to do this stuff.

1. Send in the rebate for my phone. I got a new phone about a month and half back with the whole fifity dollar rebate thing. I still haven't sent it in. My parents are going to kill me. I have 60 days to send it in before it expires. I can pretty much gaurantee that it will be sent in on day 59. That is just how I operate...why do something now when I can do it later? I think it would be interesting to do a time value study of time instead of money.

2. Send in my signed acceptance of my Baylor stuff. Yikes. I have to send them money, too. Bitches.

3. Fill out the FAFSA. Baylor is giving me a good amount of assistance, but I still have to fill out the FAFSA for living expenses. wtf. Apartments start at $500 and my assistantship is only $2,000 for the semester. Yeah, I'm grateful, of course, but that isn't going to pay my bills.

****Side note, I know I'm getting older becuase I have an audible "Awwww..." reaction when I see babies. I never thought I would have that reaction even when I had kids. I guess the whole maternal thing actually does kick it...it must be genetic.

****Another side note, Jim Gaffigan is actually funny. I don't laugh at tv a lot, but...I've been laughing almost nonstop for the past 20 minutes. Thank you, J-Gaf!

4. Read Dorian Gray. I guess this one is more of a happy to-do. Oscar Wilde is absolutely amazing. I love everything about him, even the fact that he had a thing for young boys. I don't (or at least try not to) judge. I have a feeling he was impeccably charming.

5. Laundry. Once again my laundry has accumulated. Its always fun to unload my hamper because I can see the progression of my outfits. I know when I'm getting to the weekend laundry because it starts smelling more and more like smoke and the clothes get sluttier and sluttier. My push up bras also make an appearance about every seven days of laundry. What would a weekend be without me forcing my breasts into a bra that forces them up and out, preferably into some drunk dude's eyesight.

6. Thank you notes and gifts. I have about five thank you notes that are a good two months overdue. I figure that to distract my profs from the lateness I'll give them something. I was thinking of giving them plants, because that seems kind of creative? I mean, you don't get a houseplant every day. After thinking about it a little more, I thinkn I'm just going to get them free trade chocolate.

7. Homework. Oh school. :) I actually get excited for my econ assignments though, and I adore my int'l econ class. I'm hoping this is indicative of how grad school will be.

8. Email Baylor about housing. I kind of need to figure out where I'm going to live. As stated before, it is, blarg, expensive. Hopefully, Baylor can help with the whole finding a roommate thing. Speakin of roommates, hopefully not everyone at Baylor is super conservative. I'm a little afraid I'm walking into Oral Roberts or something. I'm sure I'll be able to find some underground rebels though that are all like....we drink AND love Jesus!

9. Buy Twilight. Yeah...I'm shameless.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Same Old Innocence

I kind of enjoy computer labs...which is weird because usually I don't really enjoy any place that involves people. However, computer labs are different. Its a place. There are people. Social interaction isn't required. I would say that is my kind of place. I get to creep. I can creep at the people sitting next to me...I can creep at the people sitting in front of me creeping on other people on facebook. Its super great!

So I guess I just like computer labs because I get to creep on people. I guess for that matter I should like dark alleys and shadowy corners also.

I have to draw a sociogram for my sociology class. It needs to include the people who are influencial in my life and my relationships with them. I'm kind of excited because I'm hoping that this sociogram will be the basis for the autobiographical novel I'd like to write someday. You see, my life isn't very exciting, so this novel will have to rely very heavily on character development, so its a good idea that I know who plays what role in my life.

In particular I'm really excited to write about the males in my life---ranging from my dad to the jock that sits across from me in Strategic Management. I feel I have a fairly unique perception of dudes because I try to be fairly realistic...aka not a bitter man hater, but at the same time I have kind of a weird idealist take on men. I'm hoping in can translate it.

One of my favorite songs is "Boogie Monster" by Gnarls Barkley. The only reason I really like it is because the last line is something about giving head and then the dude laughs. Apparently giving head is suppose to save you from the boogie monster/keep you from turning into one.

I guess I'll leave it on that note...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy "Americans need an excuse to get tanked" Day!

I felt like my narcissism needed to be fed a little bit, but I couldn't think of anything remotely original to write, so here is one of those surveys. Enjoy learning all about me! I know its your favorite subject. There should be a Konsor 101 class at every university where students are forced to watch my awkward attempt at living. The professors could be like, "Now students, this is how not to interact socially with the male sex."

Do you consider anyone to be your "second mom"?
My dad? My dad puttering around the house and staying up until 3 a.m. doing who knows what? Yeah...that would be my second mom.

Do you and your friends have the same taste in music?
We overlap a lot, but there is definitely some music I detest that they listen to, and there is some music that I listen to that makes them scratch their heads and say, "That's music?"

What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant?
I would be concerned that the Antichrist was currently residing in my uterus.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
I try not to think of such things...ten years is a long ways away.

Are you parents strict?
Appropriately strict...if they didn't reign at the level of strictness they did operate at, I would have probably done quite a few naughty things in high school. I'm doing them in college instead.

What song are you currently listening to?
Florescent lights buzzing...its rather transcendent

Do you own a studded belt from Hot Topic?

Name something you have to do tonight?
Accounting homework!

Do you sleep on your stomach?
Yes, every night.

What's bothering you right now?
My tired eyes and the bottle of water I drank 10 minutes ago

Do you know anyone that's married?
*Delete* I refuse to answer this question on principle. It too stupid to respond to.

What's your favorite number?
16 probably...I like that I can take the fourth root of it...right?

Do you remember your music teacher's name from elementary school?
Mrs. Flaadland...I want to thank her for introducing me to the Halloween Song and to the singing elephant.

How good is your eyesight?
Not that good...I mean...I'm not blind.

Worst part about hugs?
Physical contact

Ditched school to do something more fun?
College...yes....many times.

Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
Yeah, some friendships have kind of deviated from where I would like them to be.

What's something that can always make you feel better?

Are there things you can't live without?

Are you going on vacation in the summer?
I've visiting Baylor at the very beginning and then moving to Waco at the beginning of August. I guess Texas is kind of a vacation...

If you were someone else, would you be friends with you?
Probably not...not because I wouldn't like me, but just because I'm not super visible in social circles. I'm kind of like gold...you have to mine to find me. Gold maybe isn't the right comparison...I'm like iron ore.

Have you ever cried from being so mad?
No...I don't usually have anger issues unless I've been imbibing alcohol...then when I get angry I don't cry, I just swear a lot.

What do you do before you sleep?
Check my facebook like all good college students.

Have you ever gone out with a cheerleader?

Last person to make you smile?
Myself. HA!

What were you doing at 12:00 last night?
Begging for sleep...but I think I was on Twitter.

Ever receive a really long apology?
Long? No. More than "I'm sorry."? Yes.

Expecting something to change in the next month?
My age...

Ready for winter to come?
Please no....

If you could move out of the house right now would you?
I'm pretty happy with my living arrangements for the moment. I'd love to live in some kind of industrial loft, but...nah.

Besides sleeping, what else do you do in your room?
"haha. my husband." :: Kim Rich
Classic Kimberly...

How do you make your money?
I move numbers from one place to another and make them look pretty. I'm kind of like a number cosmetologist.

Have you ever been around someone who was high?
Oh yeah....higher than Mt. Everest

Would you get married if you could right now?
Ha! No thank you.

How's your heart lately?
She's doing pretty well. The spring weather is good for her.

How ticklish are you?
Not very if I can help it.

How is your hair?
Pulled back in a clip...kind of...most of it has kind of fallen out though. Or do you mean how is my hair feeling today? Honestly, she was having a pretty rough day, particularly this morning---I kind of hid her under a hat. However, it was for her own good...I mean...she looked like shit.

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
Very much so

What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Money! I need to start saving for a down payment on a vehicle and/or computer

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Probably more excited...in a few months, I'll definitely be more nervous...

Something you hate more than anything?
Human nature

Do you firmly believe that everything happens for a reason?
Yeah...I'm an idealist...its kind of a requirement.

How many kids do you wanna have?
Bleh...however many my husband wants.

Do you think people talk about you?
Possibly, possibly not. To talk about someone, you have to feel at least somewhat passionately (forget your connotations with this word...I mean friendship/relationship/family) about them, and I feel that I kind of hold a fairly low key position in most people's lives. I'm not saying I don't think they care about me...I'm just saying, I don't really spark any drama or hold a really active position in their lives.

Who was the last person to touch your ass?
Someone at the bar Saturday

What's irritating you right now?
Not something I can write on a blog open to the public. :)

When did you last eat pizza?
Today. My strategic management professor bought the class pizza because we helped him launch a new product in his company. How BA are we?

Do you have any television obsessions?
Not really obsessions...I reserve those for things that matter...like celebrities and book series

When was the last time you cried?
Absolutely no idea. Probably this summer at my uncle's funeral.

What is your favorite sport?to play?
Ha...play? sport? One where I can stand or sit with minimal movement.

Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
I enjoy the result, not the process.

What is your middle name?

Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
Jim aka Dad

What was the last thing you ate?
Mexican food

Who was your last text from?
Laura Van Beek

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
a wire

Which do you wear more: jeans or sweatpants?

Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
Sleep in I guess....I like sleep...but I do really like early mornings

When was the last time you had your hair cut?
The day I saw "He's Just Not That Into You"...so the beginning of February?

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Yeah...death usually

Name one fear you have?
Being alone...I don't mean the whole "boo-hoo I'm a spinster" being alone...but like, everyone moving on without me.

Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Kind of...a lot. I'm not exactly the most decisive person, and I over-analyze bunches...so my poor fiance will get to listen to about a million different reasons why we should and should not get married and blah blah blah...poor sucker.

What were you doing today?
The usual....kegs and eggs, work, school, homework

Do you get bored easily?
Not really

Do you love someone?
I love lots of people! At least I think I love them...I haven't really decided what love is yet.

How old do you look?
Older than I am, I think.

Are you waiting for something?
Time? Idk...I don't really want to spend my whole life waiting for the future...that's how I spent high school and it sucked.

What were you doing at ten last night?
class and tutoring the non-trad from hell

Did you cry today?
Whoever wrote this survey has a thing for crying...

Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with?

Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?yeah... it's not that hard to understand

What was the last thing you drank?

Who do you most look like in your family?
My dad's mom

Did you have a dream last night?
Every night

How many piercings do you have?
One in each ear and one in ma nose...

Does anyone call you babe?

Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
Yes...I did a lot three years ago...and then I did it.

Are you good at giving directions?

When was the last time you cried really,really hard?
Again with the crying...

Where were you on July 4th, 2008?

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Warm please

What do you currently hear right now?

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?

On the opposite sex where do you like them to have piercings?
Lip or eyebrow

Thursday, March 12, 2009


1. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

2. My n key sticks, and I've been sending people random messages on my instant messenger and facebook that involve a random string on "n"s in the middle of a sentence.

3. Jay Leno really isn't that funny.

4. I sometimes forget that not everyone is a fan of profanity. I was working on some accounting problems with a kid from class. They were hard (the problems). I swore...a lot. I got weird looks...lots of them. It kind of just wants to make me swear more. We were also loitering around Perkins the other night, and I was using my liberal language like usual. I actually got kicked under the table by one of my friends. There may or may not have been an eight year old girl sitting like ten feet away who probably shouldn't be assaulted repeatedly by the F word.

5. I really dislike using the phrase "I love you." It actually makes my skin crawl...unless I'm talking to my family. They are the only people in this world who I don't hold to my utility theory of friendship...probably because they are family, and I feel like they have a contractual obligation to love me regardless of how bitchy and selfish I can be. I don't have to be of any benefit to them because my benefit is intrinsic. Now, if I had a healthy view of people in general, I should apply this theory to everyone--benefits are intrinsic. Friends should be useful to you in their existence, not in what they can do for you and vice versa. I think my utility theory shows how I value people and that I obviously don't believe people have intrinsic value. If I don't believe other people have intrinsic value its probably safe to say I don't believe I have intrinsic value. But I know that isn't true because I completely believe people are valuable. However, I think that maybe everyone has the same intrinsic value which puts us all on the same level...therefore utility does become important. I don't know....it doesn't really matter anyway.

6. Jimmy Fallon also isn't funny.

7. My roommates and I are having a conversation about new monasticism. I don't exactly know what that is, but monasticism is a really fabulous word. Some words just make me happy because of their phonetics or my connotations. Like, I hate the word "nibble." I also hate the word "ointment." Bleh...just bad words.

8. Drama sucks...particularly when it involves people you really care about. I hate seeing someone hurting. Its so ingrained in me to please people--partly because of my utility theory of friendship, partly because its just how I am--that I just can't stand someone not being happy. So when my roommates have issues or other friends have issues I give the only gift I know how--comedy. When I think back to some of the really emotional times I've had with friends and family, I usually am the first to crack some joke. I'm not sure if I do this because I think it will actually help the situation, or if its because I don't know how to respond to the situation in any type of mature manner.

9. I am kind of in love with Oscar Wilde. I know he was supposedly gay, but he was also one of the wittiest fellows ever. He was also Irish. Fabulous! Who wouldn't have a crush on a man whose last words were, "Either these drapes go, or I do..."? I've never actually read anything of his...I should change that.

10. I texted through my entire night class, and I feel kind of bad. If I was the professor I would take personal offense to someone texting through my class. I know its nonsense, but I would think, "Wow, I'm so boring they have to text," or "Wow, My lecture is so easy they don't have to pay attention." Then I would probably just become a huge bitch and make everything really hard for everyone because of the one girl texting in the front row. I have a tendency to take out my self esteem issues on others. I don't have confidence in my teaching skills...everyone else gets an extra hour of homework.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today is the 10th of March. This means a couple things.

1. My credit card bills are due Friday. I hate paying those stupid things. Mostly I just hate having debt. Of course I love the things I got from using my credit cards...like a trip to Chicago, pairs of shoes that I will probably never actually wear (though they are gorgeous, and I love them as much as I will love my first born), and plenty of faboosh clothes--particularly a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans that I wear with boots. Now, many women would balk at having an ass the size of mine and wearing jeans that don't exactly flatter such an overwhelming caboose. I, however, have changed my fashion philosophy quite a bit since my days as a body-hiding, middle-aged-clothing-wearing, fashion-retarded teenager. Frankly, as long as I'm covering everything up that needs to be covered and all things considered grotesque are clothed, I'm going to wear whatever I want...including skinny jeans and boots. SO anyway...credit cards...I hate em.

2. Saint Patrick's day is a mere week away. I'm 21 now...therefore I am pretty pumped for next Tuesday. I am also, for all intents and purposes, Irish. I also have red hair and a clover on my ankle. St. Patty's Day should by all means be my favorite holiday. Considering the large amount of beer I will imbibe a week from today, I think it just may be. I'd like to think of myself as someone who kind of separates herself from the bar scene...like I go to bars, but I'm totally aloof. While people make drunken fools of themselves deciding who they want to go home with and work out their insecurities in meaningless sex, I am contemplating the role of alcohol in society and how I can do economics research on cosmopolitans. Of course this aloof stage lasts for about one hour as I soon join the drunken herd looking for some sort of emotional validation through a miscellaneous sexual encounter or some type of weird heart-to-heart with the girls in the bathroom. I don't think anyone has to guess which activity I get my drunken validation from (hint: it involves no physical contact and it usually involves the phrase "Girl, you are better than that. Don't let him use you.")

3. It's the second week after month end at Daktronics. Usually this is the week I am busting my butt working on getting reports together for all the manufacturing plants. However, my reports have been snatched from me. My boss' boss has handed over my pride and joy to another accountant. I knew the day would come. I am not staying at Dak forever (thank God!). I still feel remorse. Its like someone took away a paper I wrote and published it with their name on it. Its so silly! I made spreadsheets...the product of Excel and lots of time. They are numbers and colors and formulas....completely inanimate. There is nothing about these things that shows my personality or is in anyway reflective of who I am as a person, but I still feel really invested in them. No one else should be able to touch them...so apparently through this process I've discovered I am territorial? I thought that was something only male lions on the Sahara dealt with, but apparently twenty-something redheaded college students with an affinity for plaid and celebrity gossip also have these issues.

4. I'm starting lent a week or so late. Every year (ok....three months) I have some type of mini-breakdown. It can be initiated by a million things---a bad grade, fight with a friend or family member, a book series (cough-Twilight-cough), a conversation, etc. Anything can bring this little force of nature into being. Whatever the impetus is, the result is me making some change in my lifestyle. Last time, it involved getting professional help, this time....it just involves setting a few things straight in my life. It involves figuring out what in the world I want out of these years God has so graciously given me and how I plan on going about making it happen. As stated before, I really have issues with the whole "action" part of life. Anyone close to me can animatedly agree and list off five or six scenarios where I have failed to act because of laziness or apathy. In going through this process I have to get rid of distractions, and that is what Lent will be about for me this year. So, this means...gulp...no more emotional crutches, no deluding myself into thinking something is what it isn't, no more pawning after guy(s) who aren't interested (it's a waste of my time and theirs), no more distractions. Cutting the fat (so to speak--a phrase I detest), is really the only way to get my priorities straight. I have been coasting for way too long, and I have some major changes coming (Baylor!) that require me to get my shit figured out. It is time to do something...anything but sit and think. I think Logic and I are going to give it another go...just because things didn't work out last time doesn't mean they won't now.

5. I think something with basketball happens in March. (I needed a number five...)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How I Spent My Day....

Here is a list of things I did today instead of studying for my International Trade midterm.

1. Sleep. I was tired. Last night was long. I think a three hour nap this afternoon was definitely justified.

2. Facebook. Sometimes I wonder how much more productive I would be if facebook didn't exist. Then I decide that it really wouldn't make that much of a difference because I would find other ways to waste my time.

3. Real Housewives of New York. I love Bravo and most of the tv shows on that channel. I decided to take an hour study break after reading, oh, ten pages? Yeah, I'm really good at rationaliztion. If only it was something I could put on my resume...

4. Writing this blog. Its almost 12:30...I haven't finished reading the last chapter thats on this midterm (the chapter that was covered in the class that I skipped). I have an accounting assignment due tomorrow morning and an econ assignment due tomorrow afternoon. What did I do this weekend instead of my homework? Yeah....about that....

Oh well...we all make stupid decisions. I've had a good couple weeks of them. Its funny how life can be pretty mellow....and then not.