Sunday, November 2, 2008


I'm a big believer in purpose. Actually, I'm a big believer in grand, abstract ideas that really don't have much use in reality besides their role in evoking inspiration. In high school I would preach and write about purpose, potential, vision, etc. I had been fed John Maxwell--Oh, how I feasted on his leadership ideas!

Well, after three years I am still an idealist. I still believe in the power of realizing your potential and possessing a vision. However, now I also realize that those aren't enough...there is another step in this process of "becoming great". Action. Who knew?

I'm a thinker. I could spend an entire day just sitting on a couch staring at the wall thinking. I'm either daydreaming about the future, regretting the past, weighing possibilities, materializing theories, etc. There is this great disconnect in my life between my ideas and philosophy about life and how I actually live it.

Enter: My blog.

One of my particular issues is being held accountable. Now that I realize the whole "do" aspect of life is missing, I need to...."do" something about it.

The title "Unbecoming" isn't necessarily referring to the dictionary definition...though it is unbecoming to spend a lifetime trapped in one's head. This is about unbecoming what I have spent the last three years becoming--bitter, selfish, independent (in a bad way), dependent (in a bad way), disconnected from the ultimate reality (God), etc.

What this blog will NOT be:

1. An online diary--been there, done that, realized that making my innermost insecurities and thoughts available to the general public was not a good idea...not necessarily for my sake, but for the poor soul that happened to stumbled across and (God forbid) actually read said self-pitying proclamations of low self esteem and pettiness.
2. Completely self involved--Part of this process is recognizing that the world outside of my mind has something to do with me. I'm hoping many posts include my reactions to some outside stimuli.
3. Entertaining--The unfortunate truth.

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