Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bloggy Bloggerson!

I consider myself an idea woman. Granted, most of my ideas are quickly forgotten and usually involve some type of novelty that few people besides myself would find useful, but they are ideas nonetheless. Here are some of my recent favorite ideas:

1. There should be a television show set in a corporate environment...possibly a consulting service...featuring a sarcastic, narcissistic forensic economist who, of course, also happens to be a genius. She will be challenged every day by the Director of Human and Public Relations. Watch out House and Bones...we're coming to get you! Demand dictates that there is room for another sassy, witty, lovable and scorned heroine in tv-town.

Maybe I'm not an idea woman...but regardless here are a couple fabulous tidbits I picked up this weekend.

1. The best time to drive is between 5 and 7 am. I am not a morning all. Wait...that's wrong. I'm not a person who likes to wake up; I'm not a waking up person. I love mornings...particularly that time before the sun comes up. In complete unoriginality I'm going to say something to the tune of "everything is so peaceful", "the world is resting waiting for the sun to wake her sleepy eyes", etc. It really is a magical time though. I imagine if I were a witch or a fairy or some other heathen magic-bearing being, I would cast my spells in the early morning.

2. "He's Just Not That Into You" is actually a fairly phenomenal book. The basic gist is that if he is as into you as he should be for your relationship to be fabulous, he will call/make an effort. The amazing thing is that this book so totally relates to supply and demand! Because women are so desperate for a relationship, they will put up with anything. This gives men no incentive to grow up and be gentlemen. Therefore, the demand for crappy guys is higher than it should be. Now if women, as consumers, decide they want good men, the demand for crappy guys will decrease substantially. These crappy guys will have an incentive to "up their game" and jump to the decent guy market. While this is an amazing idea, it will unfortunately never happen because A. women will always be emotionally needy and ready for every unhealthy relationship that comes their way...and B. all women would have to jump on the Greg Behrendt wagon--that simply won't happen. As long as there are women with low self esteem out in the market, guys will have no incentive to change their product from low-quality to high-quality to meet demand.

3. Wine is so good.

4. Monkeys do not make good pets.

5. Sponge Bob, contrary to my previously held belief, is actually quite hilarious.

6. The Music Man may be a crook, but Professor Harold Hill has the capacity to love and that is much more than I can say for quite a few ethical (a subjective term to be sure) men I know.

7. I will forever love cardigans.

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