Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's election day? What?!?!?

Media: “Maybe we can trick Americans into caring about the election by turning it into a pop culture phenomenon.”

People: “Thank you, Media! Once again we don’t have to really think about anything because you are making it fun for us!”

Media: “We knew you’d appreciate it! Now sit back, turn on E! for a while and listen to what the Fashion Police have to say about Palin’s new wardrobe!”

Does anyone else feel like this is election is one big SNL skit? I have a love hate relationship with the nature of this election. On one hand, I am elated that there is so much coverage and the election seems to be permeating pretty much everything. Hopefully that translates into people voting and caring about the issues…possibly embracing their right and responsibility as a member of a democracy. The ends seems pretty fab: people voting and being somewhat informed.

However…I think it is kind of sad. I think it is sad that we need to turn the election into a piece of entertainment in order to convince people to care. Shouldn’t the fact that we are choosing the leader of our country be enough? Why does everything have to be “fun” or “entertaining” now?

Let me reiterate…at least people are participating and thinking about the election instead of unimportant (though fabulous) celebrity gossip. But…isn’t some of the election coverage just celebrity gossip, anyway? Best of both worlds!

And btw…There is no way I could have voted until I knew who ScarJo was voting for, so I really really really hope celebrities keep thinking that their opinions about politics, society and everything besides acting/singing/substance abuse actually matter.

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